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Dec 11, 2007


This roommate process has been interesting.

Last year, when David was a senior in high school, I think he changed his roommate selection at least three times. His first two choices didn't even end up coming to UT. The third choice is at UT, but he chose to room with someone else. We didn't find that out until orientation, but David was OK with that, because about that time, another friend of his decided to attend UT and they decided after rooming together at orientation that they would be very compatible and should room together in the fall.

So . . . we held our breath and hoped that the late request for a transfer would work out. It did, but we weren't sure that it would until about a week before school began.

Just as they had though, David and his roommate got along beautifully. I never heard one complaint from David about him. However, his roommate wasn't as thrilled with UT has David is. His is a dedicated musician and his heart has always been at Belmont. Before Thanksgiving, he had already decided to transfer for second semester. So . . . we knew that David would be looking for a new roommate for January.

It was like senior year all over again. Every time we talked to him there was a different possibility! Some of his friends who hadn't originally gotten in to UT were thinking of trying to transfer - maybe he would room with them. We had our concerns about how serious they would be about their studies, but trusted David to make good choices. In the end, no one decided to transfer. There was a "lull" in information and, today, he says, "Oh, by the way, Mom, I have a roommate. My friend from Youth Legis, from last year, Michael, has moved in." Just like that, all is taken care of. Michael is from Knoxville (a home-cooked meal every now and then maybe?), an excellent student, and shares some similar interest and background. . .

I've been really worrying about this, and he barely remembers to tell me when the new roomie moves in . . .

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